We took Jack to San Diego for his first Thanksgiving. That means we had to fly with a 3 month old. We were prepared for the worst as were the passangers around us when they saw the little guy, but he was a pro. He nursed during takeoff, once in the air, and again during landing and slept the rest of the time. When we got into San Diego he was wide awake and ready to play with his grandparents, which is more than I can say for the two of us.
In San Diego Jack got to meet the bulk of my family. He met his great Uncle Art and Aunt Melissa, Great Aunt Nonnie, Cousin Bitter and her daughter Malloy, Uncle Mac, and his three Great Grandparents, Gamom and Papa, and Grams. He was also introduced to friends at a special tea in his honor. He was on his best behavior for the most part during all the meetings and festivities. He tackled the time change, mostly by refusing to nap during the day and collapsing by about 5 in the afternoon. (This meant we were awakened at 3:30 or so every night but it was hard to hold it against him.) On Thanksgiving proper he was awake and plesant during the pre-meal socializing where he was passsed around between the Greats, then he fell asleep as dinner was being served allowing me to enjoy a delicious meal and a few glasses of a delicious wine (a sparkling Pinot from Argyle, thanks Dad)!
My parents and brother were especially ga-ga about having the boy around. G'pa proudly walked him through town at every opportunity, often 2 or 3 times a day, and took pictures of every moment. Uncle Wolphie had a special nack for flying Jack around the house that kept them both entertained for long stretches. Mimi was ever vigilant, looking for any opportunity to wrap Jack in another blanket or put on a sweater - she earned a new nickname, The Bundler.
The trip home went smoothly. Again Jack seemed quite at home in the air, sleeping between feedings and only requiring one easy diaper change. He slept on the drive back to Lancaster from Baltimore, starting to cry just as we pulled up at the house. As he never really made it onto Pacific time, the time change coming home was no problem.
Jack's first big trip was a resounding success. He loved seeing his grandparents again and meeting new friends and family. Next year he is looking forward to tasting the turkey for himself!