Jack has started making a new noise lately. It sounds to me like he is constantly shocked and surprised by what he is seeing. He especially likes to make this noise when he sees Otis. He has also started laughing whenever he sees Dan. I get a smile.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Baby Liberty

Dan's spring break was this last week so we decided to take our first family vacation and went to Philadelphia for two nights. I think both Dan and I were bracing for a somewhat difficult trip, but Jack was a real trooper. When we got home we agreed that we had traveled with Jack rather than in spite of him which felt great.
On our first day we hit the historic sites including the Liberty Bell. For dinner we walked to Chinatown and had an incredible dinner at a tiny hole-in-the-wall place. Everybody had to get up to let us through with the stroller, but we made it to a table in the back and chowed down on the most delicious homemade noodles. Jack happily ate his monkeys and squealed whenever the man in back slapped the noodles on the counter. The next day we walked to South Philly to the Italian Market, a collection of funky old shops along several blocks. I was in food heaven and splurged on homemade pastas, salami, stinky cheeses, spicy Sicilian olive oil, while Dan found coffee beans, candied orange peels, anchovies, and spices. For lunch we each had a cheese steak from a different shop, both were delicious! After a too brief nap we walked around town in the rain looking at the charming architecture of Society Hill and enjoying the shop windows of Antique Row. We found a bar that specialized in Belgian Beer and enjoyed some delicious beer and fantastic moules and frites.
Jack was great to travel with. He hung out in the stroller until he got bored with it and then hung out in the carrier. At the restaurants he played with Cheerios, his sippy cup, or his monkeys and tried to pull everything off the tables. He had a little trouble sleeping, he wouldn't nap at all, but that was the biggest problem. I'm sure that it will get harder to travel with him in the future but at the same time it will be nice to have him engage in what we are seeing. Until then we'll take all the little trips we can get.
Friday, March 7, 2008
The Boy Loves His Books
Jack gets a story or three read to him every night before bed and during the day I will read to him or show pictures in a magazine. He watches us read the paper every morning and especially enjoys tearing up and chewing on the advertising inserts. He loves his books, he's just not quite sure what to do with them yet!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Lets Get Physical

Jack and I have recently joined a mom and baby exercise class. It is actually more of a Moms exercising despite their babies class. The class is split into roughly 15 minute sections in which we either focus on one muscle group or walk/run around the track. The track walking serves two purposes, to pacify the babies who spend the entire one hour class in their strollers, and to keep the mom's heart rates up. The gym that offers this class, Universal, is pretty great. It is very relaxed and low-key, none of that typical meat market atmosphere. They also have great facilities for the kids. Despite all that I can't help but feel slightly silly as our little troupe parades around the track like ducks in a row. Jack puts up with this foolishness for only so long, the meltdown usually starts 10 minutes before the end of class right as we start to work on the area I am most interested in firming up - the abs. It is a good class. I get out of the house and sweat for an hour and Jack gets to see other babies and groove to the sweet sounds of the gym sound system.
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