The three of us have actually managed to leave the house for reasons other than doctors appointments lately. The first outing was on our anniversary. We decided to go to the Central Market and wander around downtown a bit so we packed up Jack and headed out - not an easy feat as we had to feed and change Jack, pack the diaper bag, load Jack into the carseat, grab the market basket, and then get all of us into the car. Somehow we managed it all and had a great time, but even better Jack behaved beautifully by which I mean he slept in the front carrier the whole time despite having a rather full and stinky diaper. The next big outing was to an apple orchard. The weather briefuly turned fall-like here with mild temperatures, cool breezes, and big fluffy clouds in a perfect blue sky. So, we again packed up Jack and headed into the amazingly beautiful Lancaster farmland. We found an orchard that had numerous varieties of apples and a u-pick option. It was a perfect afternoon. Once again Jack was great - slept in his carrier the whole time. We picked 20 pounds of delicious apples which are now hanging out in the basement waiting for Dan to turn them into one of his signature apple pies. Jack has been with us for 5 weeks now and our two big outings, as well as a few smaller ones, have not only been successful but have helped us build our confidence. We are actually looking forward to going out with Jack more now and exploring the world with him.
Great photos. I hope he keeps right on being a obliging little traveler. It will make life more restful for his parents.
It looks like: So far, so good.
Pvl Mamie
Thanks for writing this.
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