I never wanted to become one of those moms. You know the ones - you are enjoying a nice outing talking about the latest article in the Times when for no reason the mom at the table brings up her baby's latest accomplishment, poop. The conversation stops, smiles become strained, the whole grain mustard on your sandwich becomes totally unappetizing, the outing is over. While I haven't really become that mom I know that I'm on the verge. Strangly Jack's poops, their frequency, consistancy, color, have become big news in our house. When Dan comes home from work I quickly inform him about the day's poop before we even get into the real events of the day. So far we have managed to keep the poop talk confined to our house but it has come close to slipping out at times. I'll just have to remain vigilant. Of course, I think that this blog posting may have just turned me into one of those moms . . .
1 comment:
Hey there Honey.
We've ALL been there. Except those who haven't been parents yet. Believe me .... it's really OK.
You will go right on being boring (to the childless) because your critter is your main topic ..... and be more tolerant of those who have critters of their own.
And as I have come to learn, more appreciative of those who patiently listen.
If you love your kid, you gotta' talk about 'em.
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