Monday, July 7, 2008

In Praise of DOG

My parents' wonderful dog Bella died unexpectedly this last weekend. It has made me think of all the dogs that have graced my life and about how lucky I was to have know and loved each of them. I grew up with two dogs, Dot a noble yellow lab, and Trina or Weiner a funny miniature dachshund. Next came Bell, a rolly-polly good natured yellow lab, and Gretel an independent and silly mini dachshund. These were the dogs of my youth. Through college and beyond I pined for a dog but the timing and situation were never right. Finally, the stars aligned and we found Otis. This goofy beast has been with us for almost five years now and has been a sweet and loving companion. Lately he has been put to the ultimate test, the Jack test, and has proven himself time and again. Jack, like his Mom and Dad, adores dogs and is especially crazy about Otis. He climbs all over him, steals his toys, smothers him in hugs, and Otis stoically puts up with it all. Jack smiles and laughs whenever he sees Otis and Otis is never too far from Jack, ready to bestow a barrage of kisses or snatch up spilled Cheerios. They have become buddies in a few short months. It breaks my heart to think of the day when we will lose Otis, not only because we will have lost a special companion, but because Jack will have lost his best friend. So, I will end this posting remembering my first friends Trina and Dot, and the special friends that followed them, Bell, Gretel, and Bella, and will head downstairs to give Otis one of the big Milkbones, a scratch behind the ears, and a little peace before Jack wakes up and wants to play with his best friend.


Anonymous said...

Oh the wonderful bond between baby and dog. I remember so well the numerous times that Dot, Bell, Trina, Gretel, Buster, and Bella brought joy, laughter, comfort and frustration to you,us and others. Thanks for the wonderful video.

Anonymous said...

A lovely post... brings back very, very old memories of my first dog, an Irish Setter named Brandy. I remember the day my dad buried him as much as anything, but I've seen pics of me and Brandy that look much like Jack and Otis.

Sometimes, even we dog lovers underestimate how much pooches add to our lives!

Anonymous said...

Christina, this post brought tears to my eyes. Well done.

We miss you! (And Dan and Otis)

Anonymous said...

I agree completely, Otis is a special dog; the montage video perfectly captures this. I am so enjoying your blog!