Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Wolf at the table

Uncle Wolphie (my brother Mac) came to visit for Thanksgiving. He spent a week with us, plenty of time for him to become Jack's absolute favorite. Some highlights include going down every slide at the playground, watching The Street (Sesame that is) while snuggling on the couch, Uncle Wolphie even babysat while I ran errands. For the big day, we picked up a turkey from a local farm, Mac taught Jack how to make turkey noises. We all put on our best sweats and had a nice lazy day smelling the bird cook and watching the Macy's parade. Jack loved the sweet potatoes, which Uncle Wolphie hated so it evened out. Everyone loved the turkey and cranberry sauce, Jack couldn't quite get into the Brussels Sprouts but the adults devoured them. After lapsing into a deep food coma we waited for the kitchen elves to appear and clean up but they must have been busy elsewhere so Mac and Dan were put to work cleaning up the dishes while I got to work cleaning the sweet potatoes off Jack. The next day we lazed around until the afternoon when we went to the tree lighting downtown. It was a bit of a struggle to get Jack's mittens on and to keep him happy in the backpack while listening to 45 minutes of Christmas dirge courtesy of the Salvation Army band. Finally the tree was lit and we headed home to the warmth and a big bowl of turkey soup. Mac had to leave on Saturday. Jack and Otis are just now coming out of their Uncle Wolphie withdrawals. Luckily they don't have long to wait until they see him again.

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