Thursday, February 12, 2009

Down and Out

It's been a hell of a month here at Washburn central. I've been offline for awhile for a number of reasons, the first being that Jack played a little vigorously with the laptop and broke the screen. But the real reason for the long absence is that the three of us have been under attack by numerous nasty illnesses. The Monkey has really born the brunt of it all. He has had a terrible, and long lasting ear infection. It started in one ear, cleared up there and then moved to the other where it continues to rage. With the first infection we put him on antibiotics which really upset his digestion - or so we thought. He couldn't keep anything in him and finally stopped eating altogether. We switched him to an injectible version of the antibiotic which meant going in to the doctors office for three mornings in a row and Jack getting shots in both thighs simultaneously. Needless to say it wasn't fun for any of us. Finally it seemed like things were clearing up so we packed Jack up and sent him back to daycare. Then on Monday night Jack wouldn't sleep, just kept crying all night. At 2am we finally brought him into bed with us insuring that none of us slept that night. Turns out, Jack had a raging fever so we took him back to the doctor. She thinks that the fever is due to his ear infection. He's been home for the last three days. A sweet and pathetic little couch potato. He sits on our laps or on the couch watches the Street or Jack's Big Music Show and occasionally hoots at a dog or balloon on the screen but that is about it. Of course while all of this was going on Dan and I managed to get sick as well. Dan got it first, a horrible cold that left him barely able to speak. I thought I had escaped it which I did in a way, namely I got a wicked stomach bug that left me immobilized for 2 full days and off food for a week. Then Dan and I swapped, he got the tummy bug and I got the cold. Poor Jack was left with some pretty pathetic parents that week but somehow we managed to make it through. Dan and I are finally feeling better now if we could only get Jack back to normal.

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