Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And the weener is . . .

I had a headache the other day and for the first time in almost 2 years I didn't think twice about taking something for it. I reached for the bottle of Excedrin with a big smile on my face and happily downed 2 pills. It is a little strange and totally liberating to be only eating/drinking/consuming for one these days. I successfully weened Jack. He's moved on from the boob to the sippy cup and doesn't seem to mind one bit. He was a little iffy about the milk at first and spit it out - he had only had water from his cup before - but now he chugs it like a frat boy at a kegger. Come to think of it, he walks a bit like a frat boy at a kegger too! I do miss the closeness that nursing gives, and think that he might too - he has upped his pacifier use - but love the freedom to drink coffee and take aspirin whenever I want. Besides, he still comes over for snuggles during the day.

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