Monday, October 27, 2008

busy busy busy

It's been a whirlwind for Jack these past few weeks. He spent a week in San Diego celebrating his Great Grandmother's 90th birthday, two days after he got home he had a visit with his Placerville Grandparents, during their visit Dan and I snuck away for our first overnight so Jack had his first overnight away from us. Things have quieted down a bit now but as usual there is no usual with Jack. He's trying to adjust his sleep schedule on us, refusing to go down in the morning and sleeping just short time in the afternoons. I've tried instituting quiet time in leu of the naps but it never seems very quiet and eventually we all give up after about 30 minutes. In addition to the fun with naps, Jack has decided that he doesn't want to eat off the tray on his highchair. The only way he willeat is if we put his plate on the tray and let him feed himself. He has also gotten a lot more picky to boot - veggies are out fruit is in, hot dogs are wolfed down while other meat is picked at, bread and cheese are prefered above all else. On the movement front - Jack is now running. He runs around the house, often his feet get moving faster than the rest of him so he tumbles to the ground, but he just picks himself up as fast as he can and runs off. Also, he's climbing with abandon, especially the stairs which thanks to his monkey like behavior have no gate at the bottom and therefor no way to keep him from climbing the stairs. There have been several occasions when things have gotten too quiet in the front room and I have come in to find him happily running around upstairs. He keeps me busy, and he makes me smile which is business as usual.

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