Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Monkey

The climbing has gotten out of control. He climbs everything he sees, the shelves in the kitchen, up and down the stairs, onto the dining room table, over the sofa, even out of his crib. He is surprisingly good at it. I turn my head for the briefest second and he is on top of the table reaching for the hot coffee. There have been numerous times when I have gone to the kitchen to refill my water glass and by the time I get back to the living room he is upstairs happily putting his toys in the bathtub - which he can also climb in and out of. To complicate our lives even further he is also very tall so can reach the tops of the counters - all the better to pull himself - and the door knobs. We've baby proofed the door knobs, making it difficult for all of us to get out of the house, but raising the counters seems out of the question. I'm fairly certain it will only get worse before it gets better. During a trip to Port Discovery in Baltimore with Mimi and G'Pa he thought it was hilarious to go head first down the slide he had just climbed up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Crib today, Mount Everest tomorrow. UW