Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Sound of Silence

Well, not complete silence just not any intelligible words. So far Jack has decided not to speak. From time to time he will bust out with a new word or phrase but in a few days it will fade out never to be uttered again. For awhile it was "Otis" then he moved onto "big truck" and the phrase du jour is "what's that." He is a whizz at making animal noises, the elephant is his favorite. He also makes a ton of noises on his own - we think he sounds like the aliens in the claw game in the Toy Story movies, "ooooooooo, aaahhhh" - and holds long conversations with us but all with out using any words that we can understand. He understands us perfectly, when he chooses to, and will answer questions with an enthusiastic "Yeah!" Because he obviously understands and know words I'm not at all worried about developmental problems and to be honest I'm not that desperate for him to talk. Given how chatty he is now with no vocabulary I'm sure that once he has words Dan and I won't be able to keep up. So for now we will enjoy his little sound monologues and wonder what's on his mind until he decides to share with us in English.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhh. The little guy just took a page from his Unkel Al's playbook. That was his style at that age.

As far as I can tell, no kid seems to develop in the same mode as their parent. The little rascals like to declare their uniqueness from the beginning, I guess.

Keep up the great work Parents!!!!


P'vl Mamie