Saturday, May 23, 2009

We Went Down South

We just got home from our scouting trip to Virginia. In 3 short days we were able to not only see a little of Colonial Williamsburg but also find a house for the upcoming year, check out a few grocery stores, and even get to know the local Urgent Care Center. We made the 4 1/2 hour drive down last Sunday, stopping for an hour at a McDonald's with a play place so Jack could let off some steam. I've never been so grateful for a McDonald's although I really wish I could have that hour back. On Monday we wandered around Colonial Williamsburg ("the CW" to the locals) for most of the morning. It really is a spectacular place. I was really surprised by just how charming and impressive it was. I think I was expecting things to be more Disneyfied with a lot of Ye Olde Shoppes selling colonial themed junk made in China and people in cheap costumes talking in fake accents being overly friendly. Thankfully, none of this was the case. The buildings have been beautifully restored, the shops sell mostly hand-made reproductions, many made by local crafts people, and the people in costumes speak in normal voices but at the same time take their jobs very seriously and will provide a wealth of information if you are interested. Jack was taken by the drains and the crushed shells that line the sidewalks - combining the two was especially satisfying. Tuesday, Jack got to play with Mimi and G'Pa who came to town to entertain the boy while Dan and I looked for a house. While Jack spent the morning at the park with the Grands, Dan and I looked at overpriced apartments, several passable town homes, and some nice but far flung houses. That evening we had dinner at Shield's Tavern in the CW - really fun, good for Jack as it was incredibly noisy and there were kids everywhere, and kind of charming with real candles and a woman playing a harp - no serving wenches in sight. At this point it should be noted that Mimi and G'Pa both arrived feeling a bit under the weather - when we work up on Wednesday morning, Mimi had taken a turn for the worse and G'Pa carted her off to the local Urgent Care Center where she was diagnosed with bronchitis and loaded up with drugs. Dan and I took Jack with us as we looked at 2 last houses then we all headed back to the hotel for naps. Mimi and G'Pa took off early Thursday morning and we hit the road after lunch. On the drive home we finalized the details on a house so I can happily report that we have a place to live come July. It is a nice sized townhouse close to campus so Dan can walk to work. Best of all, it was central air and a dishwasher! CW here we come!


Dave C. said...

I picked a good blog entry to hop back in on. So, Virginia?

Vander said...

We are behind, too! What's in Virginia? Job for Dan?
Can't believe how big Jack is!