Uncle Wolphie (my brother Mac) came to visit for Thanksgiving. He spent a week with us, plenty of time for him to become Jack's absolute favorite. Some highlights include going down every slide at the playground, watching The Street (Sesame that is) while snuggling on the couch, Uncle Wolphie even babysat while I ran errands. For the big day, we picked up a turkey from a local farm, Mac taught Jack how to make turkey noises. We all put on our best sweats and had a nice lazy day smelling the bird cook and watching the Macy's parade. Jack loved the sweet potatoes, which Uncle Wolphie hated so it evened out. Everyone loved the turkey and cranberry sauce, Jack couldn't quite get into the Brussels Sprouts but the adults devoured them. After lapsing into a deep food coma we waited for the kitchen elves to appear and clean up but they must have been busy elsewhere so Mac and Dan were put to work cleaning up the dishes while I got to work cleaning the sweet potatoes off Jack. The next day we lazed around until the afternoon when we went to the tree lighting downtown. It was a bit of a struggle to get Jack's mittens on and to keep him happy in the backpack while listening to 45 minutes of Christmas dirge courtesy of the Salvation Army band. Finally the tree was lit and we headed home to the warmth and a big bowl of turkey soup. Mac had to leave on Saturday. Jack and Otis are just now coming out of their Uncle Wolphie withdrawals. Luckily they don't have long to wait until they see him again.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
A Wolf at the table
Uncle Wolphie (my brother Mac) came to visit for Thanksgiving. He spent a week with us, plenty of time for him to become Jack's absolute favorite. Some highlights include going down every slide at the playground, watching The Street (Sesame that is) while snuggling on the couch, Uncle Wolphie even babysat while I ran errands. For the big day, we picked up a turkey from a local farm, Mac taught Jack how to make turkey noises. We all put on our best sweats and had a nice lazy day smelling the bird cook and watching the Macy's parade. Jack loved the sweet potatoes, which Uncle Wolphie hated so it evened out. Everyone loved the turkey and cranberry sauce, Jack couldn't quite get into the Brussels Sprouts but the adults devoured them. After lapsing into a deep food coma we waited for the kitchen elves to appear and clean up but they must have been busy elsewhere so Mac and Dan were put to work cleaning up the dishes while I got to work cleaning the sweet potatoes off Jack. The next day we lazed around until the afternoon when we went to the tree lighting downtown. It was a bit of a struggle to get Jack's mittens on and to keep him happy in the backpack while listening to 45 minutes of Christmas dirge courtesy of the Salvation Army band. Finally the tree was lit and we headed home to the warmth and a big bowl of turkey soup. Mac had to leave on Saturday. Jack and Otis are just now coming out of their Uncle Wolphie withdrawals. Luckily they don't have long to wait until they see him again.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
It's Not Easy Being Green
It's always been a kick to feed Jack. When he's in the mood, he can put away immense amounts of food. On one memorable occasion he ate a bratwurst, half a banana, a couple ounces of cheese, some potato salad, and a handful of Teddy Grahams. Of course, there are other times when he won't eat hardly anything except banana. His list of likes and dislikes is constantly shifting, he always loves fruit but other than that nothing is certain. He gave us quite a surprise last night when he happily gobbled up forkfuls of kale. That's right, kale - sauteed in olive oil with garlic and cider vinegar, not flavors typically enjoyed by babies. In typical Jack fashion he may never eat greens again, or he may continue with his surprising ways.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Jack had his first real haircut on Halloween. It was long past time, he had a real mullet going in back and his ears were almost completely covered. I took him to a special kids salon. They had theme chairs - Jack sat in the jet plane - tvs and videos - we went for an old Elmo - and were exceptionally fast. He was pretty good about the whole thing. He sat still and didn't fuss too much. He had one small cry, nothing a pacifier couldn't handle. The whole thing only took about 15 minutes - it was amazing to watch her cut so quickly. I do miss his sweet baby locks. His new do certainly makes him look like a little boy.
Monday, October 27, 2008
busy busy busy
It's been a whirlwind for Jack these past few weeks. He spent a week in San Diego celebrating his Great Grandmother's 90th birthday, two days after he got home he had a visit with his Placerville Grandparents, during their visit Dan and I snuck away for our first overnight so Jack had his first overnight away from us. Things have quieted down a bit now but as usual there is no usual with Jack. He's trying to adjust his sleep schedule on us, refusing to go down in the morning and sleeping just short time in the afternoons. I've tried instituting quiet time in leu of the naps but it never seems very quiet and eventually we all give up after about 30 minutes. In addition to the fun with naps, Jack has decided that he doesn't want to eat off the tray on his highchair. The only way he willeat is if we put his plate on the tray and let him feed himself. He has also gotten a lot more picky to boot - veggies are out fruit is in, hot dogs are wolfed down while other meat is picked at, bread and cheese are prefered above all else. On the movement front - Jack is now running. He runs around the house, often his feet get moving faster than the rest of him so he tumbles to the ground, but he just picks himself up as fast as he can and runs off. Also, he's climbing with abandon, especially the stairs which thanks to his monkey like behavior have no gate at the bottom and therefor no way to keep him from climbing the stairs. There have been several occasions when things have gotten too quiet in the front room and I have come in to find him happily running around upstairs. He keeps me busy, and he makes me smile which is business as usual.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
And the weener is . . .
I had a headache the other day and for the first time in almost 2 years I didn't think twice about taking something for it. I reached for the bottle of Excedrin with a big smile on my face and happily downed 2 pills. It is a little strange and totally liberating to be only eating/drinking/consuming for one these days. I successfully weened Jack. He's moved on from the boob to the sippy cup and doesn't seem to mind one bit. He was a little iffy about the milk at first and spit it out - he had only had water from his cup before - but now he chugs it like a frat boy at a kegger. Come to think of it, he walks a bit like a frat boy at a kegger too! I do miss the closeness that nursing gives, and think that he might too - he has upped his pacifier use - but love the freedom to drink coffee and take aspirin whenever I want. Besides, he still comes over for snuggles during the day.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Doctor, Doctor
Jack woke up with a fever Sunday morning. It didn't seem like much, just a little warmer than usual. The first clue that he wasn't feeling himself was the fact that he slept late, past eight o'clock which is quite a luxury. The second clue was his lack of appetite. For a boy who loves to eat even the smallest refusal seems significant. He also slept a lot during the day, 2 very long naps. I didn't really think anything of it. On Monday he still felt warm to me and was even more sluggish. We went to the playground and he played well for about 20 minutes then crawled into my lap and snuggled - clearly something wasn't right. Dan and I bit the bullet that night and took his temperature. He had a fever of 102. We called the pediatrician who suggested some Tylenol and rest. We hung up and called Grandpa Doctor. The next day the fever broke and Jack was back to normal except now he was covered in small red spots on his chest and back. We waited a day as they didn't seem to be causing him any distress. The next day the spots were worse so we once again called the pediatrician who thought it might be a reaction to his recent MMR vaccination which there is no real treatment for just love. Again, we hung up and called Grandpa Doctor. Now, I like our pediatrician here, they have been really great, and I trust their diagnosis. But, it is so nice to have a Grandpa Doctor. We really don't call the pediatrician often, in fact this was only the second time, so if we do it is because something is wrong. This means that I'm generally in an unfocused frame of mind and tend to forget to ask some questions or miss some of the specifics. Also, no matter how much I like the docs, they really can't reassure me when my baby is sick. Grandpa Doctor, on the other hand, can. Trey agreed with the diagnosis and treatment and helped me feel better too. He took the time to explain to me why Jack was having this reaction, that it wasn't serious, and that snuggles really were the best treatment. What would we do without Grandpa Doctor?
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Happy, Happy Birthday Baby
There have been days during the last year when I never thought we would make it this far. I never thought I could survive, let alone take care of a newborn, on a few fitful hours of sleep a night. I never thought he would successfully breastfeed but here we are a year later still at it. I didn't think I would be able to make it through the day alone with Jack. I never thought Jack would survive those first wobbly trips up the stairs. And, I never thought I would love every exhausting, nerve-wracking, boring, hair-raising, and wonderful moment. So on August 28th we sang "Happy Birthday" to Jack and drank a well deserved toast to ourselves. One year down . . .
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Police, Live
Monday, August 4, 2008
What we did for Summer Vacation
We just got home from our first big family vacation. We were gone for 20 days, went to two states, took four different airplanes, visited friends and family that we hadn't seen in over a year and some that Jack had never met, and returned home exhausted.
The Cabin
Our first stop was the Cabin in Springfield, Oregon. It was Jack's first glimpse of his eponym, the McKenzie River. He was mesmerized watching all that water. Every morning Jack and G'Pa would take a stroll around the cabin, visiting the trees and picking blueberries. We had breakfast at the Vida Cafe, fed the geese and fish, hung out in Eugene where we enjoyed fish n' chips at Neuman's, peach ice cream at Prince Puckler's (a recent stop on the Obama tour - he had mint chip and green tea, go-figure), and strolled through the University of Oregon campus. Mimi got lots of Jack time, volunteering to babysit while Dan and I fished with Dad, took the kayak down the river, picked 16 3/4 pounds of blueberries, and even went out for a fantastic dinner downtown. To top it all off, Uncle Wolphie came up for a quick visit during which we had a Jacktail party to introduce to Jack to the upriver friends.
Before we left for California we stopped in Portland to visit old friends Ben and Heather and their 3 girls. They had never met Jack, and we hadn't met their youngest daughter Piper. Jack was awed by the girls. It was great to watch them run around - it was like he finally realized how to play like the big kids. It was also nice for the adults to get a chance to catch up and see each other as parents.
Next stop was Placerville, California and our first glimpse of Dan's parents new house. They did a fabulous job, Jack especially loved the pantry/toy closet. In P'ville Jack met his Great Uncle Steve and Aunt Kathy for the first time. He also got a chance to meet his Uncle Al ans Aunt Jo and his 2 year old cousin Addison. Jack loved Addi, the feeling was not exactly mutual. Addi is a shy little guy and was a bit overwhelmed by the chaos and noise that is Jack. So there wasn't much playing together, but I think in a few years they won't be able to get enough of each other. A few highlights of the P'ville visit include a lovely and long dinner with Alex and Jo while Mamie and Oompah babysat the boys, introducing Jack to the extended Washburn family and Bridge gang, and spending time with Tim, Kate and Ben who we hadn't seen in over a year and getting a chance to catch up with them.
Once again Jack proved what an easy-going, fun little guy he is. He met a lot of new people and was always easy with a smile. And in each new location he was quick to find the toys and make himself at home. He adjusted to the time change shockingly easily, Dan and I may have had a more difficult time than he did. He was also good on the many flights. Of course he fussed - he refused to nap on travel days and for a boy who has to move being cooped up made him pretty stir crazy - but he also flirted with other passengers, read his Maisey books, and enjoyed strolling up the aisles with Dan.
The worst of it actually came once we arrived home. Jack had become used to having his every desire catered to by doting grandparents. He got treats, was picked up if it even looked like he was about to cry, had new toys to play with, and was basically spoiled. Upon arriving home, Dan and I had the audacity to set him down and let him entertain himself. It did not go over well. It has taken us a week to get things back to normal. Jack has remembered that he can play by himself and has stopped begging to be picked up, for the most part.
It feels good to be home, to have survived our first of many family vacations. I'm already looking forward to the next trip.
Monday, July 7, 2008
In Praise of DOG
My parents' wonderful dog Bella died unexpectedly this last weekend. It has made me think of all the dogs that have graced my life and about how lucky I was to have know and loved each of them. I grew up with two dogs, Dot a noble yellow lab, and Trina or Weiner a funny miniature dachshund. Next came Bell, a rolly-polly good natured yellow lab, and Gretel an independent and silly mini dachshund. These were the dogs of my youth. Through college and beyond I pined for a dog but the timing and situation were never right. Finally, the stars aligned and we found Otis. This goofy beast has been with us for almost five years now and has been a sweet and loving companion. Lately he has been put to the ultimate test, the Jack test, and has proven himself time and again. Jack, like his Mom and Dad, adores dogs and is especially crazy about Otis. He climbs all over him, steals his toys, smothers him in hugs, and Otis stoically puts up with it all. Jack smiles and laughs whenever he sees Otis and Otis is never too far from Jack, ready to bestow a barrage of kisses or snatch up spilled Cheerios. They have become buddies in a few short months. It breaks my heart to think of the day when we will lose Otis, not only because we will have lost a special companion, but because Jack will have lost his best friend. So, I will end this posting remembering my first friends Trina and Dot, and the special friends that followed them, Bell, Gretel, and Bella, and will head downstairs to give Otis one of the big Milkbones, a scratch behind the ears, and a little peace before Jack wakes up and wants to play with his best friend.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Twistin' by the Pool
It has taken Jack a while to warm up to the water. He and I are enrolled at the Aqua Shrimp program at the gym. It is basically a Mommy and Me type of swim class where we sing songs about ducks and practice kicking. Most of the time Jack has a death grip on my bathing suit straps - which has lead to a few compromising situations - but he tends to loosen up by the end of class and indulge in some splashing. We got a little plastic pool for the backyard thinking he would enjoy cooling off during the stifling Pennsylvania summer. So far he likes sitting outside of the pool and leaning over the edge to splash in it. Otis, on the other hand, loves the pool and will get in and lay down before we even get it filled with water. Jack of course finds this hilarious just not enough to join in. We have a week of Aqua Shrimps left. I am hoping that he will continue to get more comfortable with the water and maybe even get in the pool.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Invasion of the Flatlanders
It was hot in Vermont this past weekend, dog danglin' hot. We made the seven hour drive to the Green Mountain State to visit our friends Mark and Anne. They are both teaching at the aptly named Green Mountain College in Poultney, just across the river from New York. Poultney is a tiny little town of old Victorian homes, a main street with a few shops and restaurants and not much else. We drove 30 minutes to the nearest big town, Rutland, to get coffee at the closest good coffee shop and visited the farmers' market (where we stocked up on cheese from several Vermont dairies). On our first day we made a pilgrimage to a local sugarhouse so Dan could indulge in one of his passions, maple syrup. Jack had his first taste of maple candy and Dan greedily bought up his favorite Grade B syrup. When the heat hit - 95 degrees with 90% humidity - we packed Jack into the backpack and walked to the river for a pick-nick and to cool off in the water. Jack was a bit hesitant about being in the water but as he seems to have inherited his mother's propensity to overheat, it didn't take too long for him to enjoy the cool water on his toes. Jack did really well during the long car trip. He slept, played on the grimy floor at the service stop, and ate lots of finger food and laughed with whoever was sitting in back with him in the afternoon. He really only fussed during the last 45 minutes or so - the boy's gotta move. This was the first time that Jack has met any of our friends who knew us pre-baby which was probably more exciting for us than him. We are lucky that it was Mark and Anne who were fabulous hosts, not easy with a nine month old who takes over schedules and space in the blink of an eye.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
First Things First
Monday, May 12, 2008
Standing Man
I hope you enjoy this video of Jack pulling himself up to standing. He still wobbles quite a bit - we've been calling him the drunken sailor. In the past few days he has begun to pull up in the coffee table and sofa and scuttle along them like a crab. He is rather fearless and thinks nothing of letting go and trying to walk away which usually ends in a bumped head or a fall on the bottom. He's keeping us on our toes!
Friend of the FOE

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Safety Dance

Thursday, April 17, 2008
I'm Jack Washburn and I Approved This Posting
It has happened at last, the boy is crawling. For awhile we wondered if he would ever actually crawl as he was incredibly adept at moving through the house by a curious combination of rolling and scooching on his stomach. But last week he finally put it all together and crawled. The timing couldn't have been better. My parents arrived for a visit about 2 days after the crawling began so Jack was able to show off his new skills to the most adoring audience a boy could ask for. Of course during the visit he didn't get a chance to practise that much as he was almost always happily perched in a grandparents' arms, being proudly pushed through town in the stroller, or sitting on a lap while swinging in the park. Now that the grandparents have left however, Jack is busy cruising around the house finding all the exposed wires, hard corners, and dangerous heater grates. Looks like we'll be spending the weekend baby-proofing what we can in the death-trap we call home.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The Poop

Saturday, March 22, 2008
The New Noise
Baby Liberty

Friday, March 7, 2008
The Boy Loves His Books
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Lets Get Physical

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Solid Man, Solid
We have started Jack on solid foods. It has been an especially strange transition for me to make. For the past 6 months I have been the only one able to provide him with food and now he can get it from anyone. He is only eating a little rice cereal so far. He sits at the table with us during dinner and we take turns eating our own dinner and feeding him. It is a family meal of sorts. We have tried a few other foods - he likes apple sauce, hates Cheerios. I'm going to make up some sweet potatoes for him to try this week. Of course the real winner is Otis. He has discovered that food falls from the sky if he sits under the high chair and luckily he loves Cheerios!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Musings on Milestones

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Boys